Needed Items

Needed Items

The Presbyterian Church Heritage Centre welcomes gifts of artefacts. In particular, the Heritage Centre is seeking the following items, but will consider any item relating to the PCC that would enhance our collection:

Historic lighting

Lighting needs for the Heritage Centre’s 1850s Presbyterian chapel are top priority.

The following are sought in order to provide a very authentic 1850s feel to the chapel:

Lampolier, an oil lamp chandelier – a fixture that holds several oil lamps, and usually features some sort of spring system that would allow the lamps to be easily lit and extinguished

It could look similar to this:


Pulpit Oil Lamps – set of 2 pedestal oil lamps, which would be affixed to both sides of the pulpit so that the minister could read in the evening or on a cloudy day. It could look similar to this, or it could just be a vertical metal pedestal with a bracket on which an oil lamp would be placed:

pedestal oil lamp

Mission artefacts:

– brought from overseas countries by missionaries of The Presbyterian Church in Canada and its antecedent denominations
– were usually hand-crafted and unique to the country or culture in which the ministers, evangelists, teachers, doctors, nurses, etc. served

Items from global partner churches

The PCHC also accepts items that are donated to the denomination and/or Heritage Centre from indigenous denominations and mission partners who work in association with The Presbyterian Church in Canada.

Communion tokens

Pictorial church plates — Presbyterian Churches (and United Churches, if their buildings were constructed as Presbyterian Churches prior to Church Union in 1925.)
Contact the PCHC for the inventory of plates received to date — 579 and counting!